Welcome to ppAxis.

Welcome to ppAxis.

Welcome to ppAxis, a media-sharing platform where like-minded users come together and share ideas with each other, relating to the current advances in technology. For more information about ppAxis, and to find out about its creating team, please refer to the “About” page.


DNA App Store

DNA App Store

While driving and listening to National Public Radio one day, Justin Kao heard about the discovery of a “sweet tooth gene” that makes you more likely to crave sweets. “Oh my God,” thought Kao, who has always loved cookies. “I would pay $5 to know if I had that.”

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Reusable Rockets

Reusable Rockets

Thousands of rockets have flown into space, but not until 2015 did one return like this: it came down upright on a landing pad, steadily firing to control its descent, almost as if a movie of its launch were being played backward. If this can be done regularly and rockets can be refueled over and over, spaceflight could become a hundred times cheaper.

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